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  1. #1
    ?LOST? whitey10tc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Sandy, Utah, United States
    Rep Power

    Default User ranks and ads!

    We will be implementing a new advertising format effective Feb 1, 2013 this format relies on post count for the ads a member sees. There are some ads that a member will always see and those ads are from our paid sponsors like KC Phone and Flash, Wireless Workshop, and MF suite. We realize some might think it's greed, but ads pay the bills for the forum, we can not and will not ask the owner to flip the bill completely. With over 50,000 members and less than half being active, most sign up just to download a file or see some hidden content, others make a few posts like thanks, and then complain they see ads, claim the ad server is infected when it's not, it's just a bad ad. Now members after tomorrow will know what to expect with our ads.
    The ads that currently are running will not increase and may decrease over the next few months.

    Here are the ranks, post counts and what ads will be eliminated with those post counts.
    User group
    Post Count
    Ads Eliminated
    User not registered or signed in 0 (None)
    moderated users or awaiting email confirmations
    0 (None)
    0 None)
    0 (None)
    Ads in the footer and side bar.
    ads in threads and footer and side bar
    226-350 ads in threads, footer and top of forum and side bar
    Old Timer

    All ads except for site/forum sponsored ads.
    Premium Member (Paid subscription)
    All ads (No Ads)
    Donator (paid subscription)
    All ads (No Ads)
    You can read more in the rules and terms of service you agreed to when registering. So don't complain about the ads, you now know how to reduce and eliminate them.
    Last edited by whitey10tc; 01-31-2013 at 05:23 PM.


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