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  1. #25
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    Default Re: mifi 2200 prepaid flashing

    Quote Originally Posted by elisa191 View Post
    Would just like to let you guys know that we sell about 100 of these units a week and we DO HAVE THE WORKAROUND although its not really a workaround its just flashing it the "right" way (IOHO) and over the 10k+ units we have the only time one comes back is if a customer updates it!

    Please don't ask me "TELL ME HOW YOU DO IT" I'm not known for giving solutions away anymore those days have come and gone the reason for this post is that you suggest that people stop buying mifis flashed to verizon when what might be more appropriate is

    "Don't buy mifis from guys who dont really know how to flash them"

    There are many of us who flash them correctly and verizon's security checks aren't going to disrupt service on our units.


    I have a 2200 that was flashed remotely, using a prepaid ($15) from Walmart as a ...... It has just shut off. You are saying that you can do it "right?"

  2. #26
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    Default Re: mifi 2200 prepaid flashing wasnt about rules/guides. it was more of a heads up to those that had them or were planning on buying one

  3. #27
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    Default Re: mifi 2200 prepaid flashing

    I have two mifis. One ftom ebay and one flashed remotely. I do not have the phones fo either of them. The remotely flashed mifi had been off for a month and is still working. I set up the voicemail on the account and left a few messages hoping vrz will think the phone is active and not shut it off. I did the same on the dead mifi hoping it would be revived but no luck. Anybody have any luck reviving dead mifis? Seems we have to get another phone and send it and the mifi to be reprogrammed correctly on the existing account to save the account balance. No real happy but still is a very good deal.

    My working mifi was programmed remotely. It has modem firmware v139.083 . I can connect it to my MBR95 router with the USB cable. I can not do this with the other mifi with modem firmware v169 . V139.083 is seen by my laptop when plugged in with USB but I can not connect as USB modem. Anyone able to use mifi as USB modem?

  4. #28
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    Default Re: mifi 2200 prepaid flashing

    Spoke too soon. Other mifi is also down.

  5. #29
    Join Date
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    Default Re: mifi 2200 prepaid flashing

    I posted my solution for you guys

    Hope it helps

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  6. #30
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    Default Re: mifi 2200 prepaid flashing

    Somebody point me in the right direction i want to learn how to flash phones, mifis, sierras
    Do i need to buy cdma workshop only or is there additional programs. I watched video on how to flash mifis with new filters - seems easy enough, do i need to become premium member first where do i sign up. last question is 3g .....s how does that work and how do i set that up fort the prepaid. Total newb here.

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