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View Full Version : GSM Guru, expanding to CDMA hardware and provisioning.

12-01-2011, 01:14 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm a selfless contributor, so first of all, my expertise is as follows, and anyone can PM me or start threads with questions or comments on these subjects:

1. I work for a Boost/Virgin SR
2. I used to work for Cingular/AT&T
2. I repair almost every phone in America (seriously... no joke)
3. I lead a team of cell phone hardware experts in 4 locations in Washington State.
4. We buy phones and have so many parts we don't know what to do with (again, no joke)
5. iPhone is my specialty, cause it's hip and modern to have a shiny apple on your device.

Here's what I can't do, please don't ask:

1. I can't add ESNs to Boost mobile's database, although I'm looking into ways I can (legally).
2. I can't give you '*****' ESNs or temporary IMEIs for activation.
3. If it ends in 'O' just say NO (sanyO, mirrO, junO, incognitO, InnuendO, verO, ziO) because try-wing screws are my worst nightmare
4. No Magic or Wizardry, sorry

12-01-2011, 07:59 PM
Welcome, glad to have you on the forum

12-01-2011, 08:25 PM
Welcome aboard.