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View Full Version : Nexus S 4g, not able to read memory

09-20-2011, 01:12 PM
Hey guys,

I've got a brand new, unactivated nexus S 4g here, and I'm trying to do a memory dump to prep it for a carrier change, but I'm not finding any areas larger than a couple kilobytes that will let me read the memory. The phone just slams into the wall of unreadable memory addresses and reboots. It's kind of aggravating.

I'm using cdma ws 2.7, qpst and qxdm 3.11.36

the phone has the stock ROM (are there any customs? couldn't find any) v 2.3.4, unlocked bloader, kernel v., build grj22, and baseband d720sprkd8

the readable ranges i have so far are as follows:
0- 0000:1000
0100:0000- 0100:A090
0107:0000- 0109:5D90

Then my adhd kicked in after 15 min of this and I went on to something else...

...but yeah, any help would be appreciated.

09-24-2011, 04:51 PM
What are you trying to do? A carrier change? Why are you scanning for readable memory? To change carriers just flash a different PRL. Your complicating the whole process for yourself

09-26-2011, 04:40 PM
no need to scan for readable address, just write.

11-17-2011, 01:02 AM
DM port mode ???

11-17-2011, 12:20 PM
diag mode *#*#8778#*#*