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View Full Version : Blackberry 9530! one time help deal

06-11-2011, 12:56 PM
Hello guys and first I want to start off by saying thank you for all the info I have got up until now which has lead me to flash my blackberry to cricket and have talk and text working. Now my issues are with web working and with the apps like google gps and stuff like that and I believe it is strictly with service books. I have prl 42900 loaded on my device. I'm willing to do whatever to get at least one gps app to work and my facebook app. Thats it. anything else i dont care about. I tried many service books and here are the titles of the ones i tried


None of these have worked. I got the cricket web browser icon to show with insaincain's service books but it still does not work. N E help would be appreciated. I have all the necessary tools here except the latest cdma workshop but I have 2.7 cracked. I will continue to help here where I can but for now i'm the one that needs the help. Thanks guys in advance.

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will also use teamviewer or other remote desktop tool if needed.

06-11-2011, 01:40 PM
Is your internet/mms not working at all or you just can't access apps? If it's not working at all, did you program the username/password which you can either do via workshop or ##000000.

In order for streaming media and some (not all) apps to work on a flashed blackberry, the phone has to be in Cricket's system as an Android phone and be on the 60Z Android rate plan. Contact your local dealer and be willing to pay them $15 for their trouble.

06-11-2011, 02:34 PM
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06-11-2011, 04:56 PM
it could just be your account thats not setup correctly if web is not working at all

06-12-2011, 03:16 PM
well if that's the case, how do i get it set up correctly than. That is my main question. I heard of the first suggestion which is switch to the android plan which is what I would like to do. What is the procedure to do so? I'm willing to do that now.

rich hathaway
06-12-2011, 04:22 PM
you have to have correctly written the evdo tab for web to work and properly written the service programming menu (##000000) to gain access to web,and use cains books they are the ones that will work with apps.

06-12-2011, 11:10 PM
Well I have been trying to figure that out but the only cdma workshop I can get is 2.7. I have cains service books and thats what got the cricket web app too pop up, on my 8330 blackberry web worked fine with my cdma 2.7. Everyone here has some other version but have not paid for it. Y can't I find these other versions. If it would be better to start from scratch and set this phone as a z60 on android plan than I would do so. I would just lik to be pointed in the right direction. Rich you did state the evdo tab before but as I mentioned I cannot find another version for other than 2.7. I'm willing to pay to have what I need done. Just not 100 bucks for a program I will use one time. I know I have all the necessary tools except the correct version of cdma workshop. I'm sorry if this sounds to direct or too impatient but I just want the final answer of what should be done without having to pay for full version of cdma. There are many here who have done this so I know its possible. Thank you all still. (I think this phone streesing me out) sorry guys.

06-13-2011, 12:12 AM
Well I have been trying to figure that out but the only cdma workshop I can get is 2.7. I have cains service books and thats what got the cricket web app too pop up, on my 8330 blackberry web worked fine with my cdma 2.7. Everyone here has some other version but have not paid for it. Y can't I find these other versions. If it would be better to start from scratch and set this phone as a z60 on android plan than I would do so. I would just lik to be pointed in the right direction. Rich you did state the evdo tab before but as I mentioned I cannot find another version for other than 2.7. I'm willing to pay to have what I need done. Just not 100 bucks for a program I will use one time. I know I have all the necessary tools except the correct version of cdma workshop. I'm sorry if this sounds to direct or too impatient but I just want the final answer of what should be done without having to pay for full version of cdma. There are many here who have done this so I know its possible. Thank you all still. (I think this phone streesing me out) sorry guys.
OK, Here's what I recommend and it has worked for me in the past. So here's the options,
1st option and easiest buy CDMA WS 3.7 use it and resell it. (Yes they will allow that)
2nd option pay someone to flash it. Quick and a lot less expensive than buying workshop.

3rd option, This is the option I used to use. CDMA WS 2.7 cheapest but most time consuming.
You will want to do the following in order.
read the phone with 2.7 then do a complete NV backup. (in case anything goes wrong)
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return to WS 2.7 and write those NV files. (the file from whiterabbit)Should write 11 files successful and 1 failed.
Then back to the phone ##000000# and edit the passwords to cricket.
At that point should have a 3g icon and data.
This is hit and miss depending on what OS version you have, I had better luck with the oldest OS when I was using 2.7.

Good luck.

06-16-2011, 01:39 AM
ok, so heres what ive come up with so far. I believe ur 3rd option was where i want to go. but during my research i seen that blackberry 9530 would require cdma ws 3.4 or higher. My 2.7 is giving me range check error when trying to read. I also read the wpst efs explorer and qdxm can write nv files. I couldn't find a straight forward tutorial for my phone with either programs. This is something I'm determined to do myself. Is there some type of log I can provide of my phone settings to look over just in case something is worng. I can provide pics as well. What should I provide pics of? I'm willing to research. Just want to look in the right direction. I have a lot of off time from work so this can serve as a good hobby. Thanks guys.

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06-16-2011, 08:30 AM
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If it says 1xev, then you have 3G. EV is just another term for 3G.