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View Full Version : HTC EVO Problem - 3G Data working, Voice calls do not

06-09-2011, 07:39 PM
I've got a strange error on an HTC EVO. Phone was working properly, Voice/SMS/MMS/Data, but the phone no longer can call or send/receive texts. Calling out results in a carrier error message. 3G Data is still working, though. ##786# shows that ESN/MEID appear to match the numbers on the back of the phone. My first guess is that a hex address got corrupted, but I'm not sure which fields to check out first to troubleshoot the voice calling. Anybody have a suggestion on which fields to check first? MIN/MDN? pESN/MEID? Another field? Would the 3G Data still be working if the MEID got corrupted? Are there any other fields I should look at? SID/NID? (I don't know what those parameters do).

So far, I've tried the following:

- Change MSID, rewrite proper MSID. Changing this results in an explicit error stating that the account cannot be authenticated. This is different from the error message I typically receive. I've reverted it back to the proper MSID, but I'm stuck with the original error message.
- Flashed to older stock ROM. I flashed a proper stock ROM to ensure it was not a problem with the radio or firmware. This did not fix the problem.

In summary:
- What parameters are used to authenticate an account during a voice call? pESN/MEID+MDN+MIN? Any others I'm missing?
- What parameters are used to authenticate 3G Data? Data still works on the phone, so I can rule out any fields tied to 3G Data authentication as the problem.
- Would an MEID repair be a potential fix? ##786# shows the correct numbers, but could one of the HEX addresses have been corrupted somehow?

Thanks in advance for any help you could provide to a noob.

06-19-2011, 05:39 PM
im running GB 2.3.3 from sprint tried doing a meid repair ,, and the meid locations are diffrent ,,,now my phone will acitvate but no data no voice ... try to make a call and it say can not be authenticated