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View Full Version : samsung epic metro pcs help

11-17-2010, 04:23 AM
so ive been looking on this site for some help and i came across someone say df is the solution so i decided to look around and i found out that droidflash 2.0 can get my epic 4g working with mms and web but my problem is that i dont have that much cash so can anyone help

11-17-2010, 04:25 PM
good question.. let me know if u get the answer.. i wanted to purchase droidflash also.. but my wallet is slimmer right now

11-18-2010, 01:43 AM
well another website says he got his web to work and after that the guy who is working on my phone said he got it and they didnt use droidflash this site is to strict i asked some guys for help in a pm and he said that i should take my question to the forums for more help then like a little bitch he tells an administrator and he gives me a warning saying that i shouldnt flood up the pms which is really dumb he me up if you want a link to the guy

rich hathaway
11-18-2010, 10:03 AM
hey brother,when you sent me that pm,you are asking me to give you something i paid for and have no right to give or sell.this community is one of respect such that when someone takes the time to make a solution and post it to be available for everyone to purchase, it is only there's to use privately,not to be shared for free or to be sold by anyone but the creator until he-she decides to post it for free AND NOT BEFORE!! and as far as my being a little bitch,if you would have botherd to read the forum rules you would have seen that questions dont belong in pm's the forum doesnt work if we use pm's like that. when there is a answer posted for your question how can it help anyone else when it is hidden in a pm ?? please keep your name calling to your self or in your pm's you see that is more what they are for.where you can talk about whomever however you like.you make yourself look very ignorant and foolish posting about how you break the rules and get a warning,blaming it on me. i-we help alot of people here everyday,not because we have to,i would make more money focusing that time on my store,but we are a freindly community that goes beyond to help beginers and seasoned vet's alike but we have rules,so try following them. you will get alot further not only here but in all the forums. the owner of this forum has asked that people requesting solutions thru pm's be forwarded to him (for your information).

11-27-2010, 02:34 AM
i didnt ask you for your solution, at the time i asked you i didnt even no there was a solution i asked you for some simple help where to look and its a quicker method of getting information instead of posting and waiting days for an answer i posted this on the 17th its the 26th and still no one else has bothered to put some positive info. look im not gonna write a book like you im just going to say i found a way to get everything on my epic working without paying for the solution i went to you for a question i think that its stupid how the so called rule is i cant pm someone to ask for help then you go and tell the admin i have signed up for many site and if i read all the rules i would waste my life away. now go ahead and run to your admin and get me banned from here i have no problem getting another email. its funny when i wrote bitch and said no name that you "THE BITCH" responded. I DID NOT ASK FOR YOUR SOLUTION I ASKED FOR HELP ON WHERE TO BEGAN asshole

hey brother,when you sent me that pm,you are asking me to give you something i paid for and have no right to give or sell.this community is one of respect such that when someone takes the time to make a solution and post it to be available for everyone to purchase, it is only there's to use privately,not to be shared for free or to be sold by anyone but the creator until he-she decides to post it for free AND NOT BEFORE!! and as far as my being a little bitch,if you would have botherd to read the forum rules you would have seen that questions dont belong in pm's the forum doesnt work if we use pm's like that. when there is a answer posted for your question how can it help anyone else when it is hidden in a pm ?? please keep your name calling to your self or in your pm's you see that is more what they are for.where you can talk about whomever however you like.you make yourself look very ignorant and foolish posting about how you break the rules and get a warning,blaming it on me. i-we help alot of people here everyday,not because we have to,i would make more money focusing that time on my store,but we are a freindly community that goes beyond to help beginers and seasoned vet's alike but we have rules,so try following them. you will get alot further not only here but in all the forums. the owner of this forum has asked that people requesting solutions thru pm's be forwarded to him (for your information).

11-27-2010, 03:14 AM
i didnt ask you for your solution, at the time i asked you i didnt even no there was a solution i asked you for some simple help where to look and its a quicker method of getting information instead of posting and waiting days for an answer i posted this on the 17th its the 26th and still no one else has bothered to put some positive info. look im not gonna write a book like you im just going to say i found a way to get everything on my epic working without paying for the solution i went to you for a question i think that its stupid how the so called rule is i cant pm someone to ask for help then you go and tell the admin i have signed up for many site and if i read all the rules i would waste my life away. now go ahead and run to your admin and get me banned from here i have no problem getting another email. its funny when i wrote bitch and said no name that you "THE BITCH" responded. I DID NOT ASK FOR YOUR SOLUTION I ASKED FOR HELP ON WHERE TO BEGAN asshole

You were warned previously of your rules violations, now your post is what is considered cyber bullying,
The National Crime Prevention Council's definition of cyber-bullying is "when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another personIt is not tolerated here at Gurus, your ban will never be lifted and any ban avoidance on your part will be promptly and accurately reported to the proper authorities.