View Full Version : New Android security report is alarming, but not because of the amount of malware

05-05-2017, 11:53 AM
We’re all used to hearing about how horrible malware is on Android, but a new report is the most disturbing yet. Security firm G Data (https://blog.gdatasoftware.com/2017/04/29712-8-400-new-android-malware-samples-every-day) is projecting that not only will new Android viruses and exploits reach new heights in 2017, but a new one will be discovered once every 10 seconds. But before you toss your Android phone in the trash, let’s explore how bad it really is.
While 8,400 malware discoveries every day is certainly alarming, it’s important to know that they’re not coming from the Play Store. There are millions of Android phones around the world that connect to their own dubious third-party app stores, and millions more that side-load suspect apps to bypass paying for them through the Play Store, and that’s where nearly all of the 3.5 million malware instances will come from this year.
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