View Full Version : Twitter @Replies No Longer Count Toward 140-Character Limit

03-30-2017, 02:30 PM
http://img.phonescoop.com/img/a/f/18948_200_a_43231d5f692ea9acfe31b543d61807ab.jpg?b hbavr=1Twitter today improved its service a little bit by cutting @replies from the character limit. Moving forward, when people reply to an individual or to a group, the @username(s) will not count toward the Tweet's 140 characters. Twitter says the addressees' names will appear above the Tweet text rather than within the Tweet itself. Toggles will let people see who's part of the reply chain. Perhaps most importantly, @usernames won't clog the beginning of each Tweet, making the actual conversation easier to read and understand. Twitter has already removed images and other content from the character limit. The update is expected to reach Twitter's mobile apps over the coming days.

More... (http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=18948)