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View Full Version : Apple just released the iOS 10.2 public beta with tons of new emoji

Wireless News
11-01-2016, 01:20 PM
Apple's new iOS 10.2 public beta software includes a whole host of bug fixes. There are also a number of notable refinements in iOS 10.2, and several new features that users are going to love. But despite all that, there's really only one thing that has people buzzing right now: new emoji. That's right, iOS 10.2 includes Unicode 9.0 support, and it packs dozens of new and updated emoji along with it, including a selfie emoji, a clown emoji and the hotly anticipated ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ emoji. And now, you can get your hands on all those new emoji on your iPhone or iPad. DON'T MISS:Â- This iPhone 7 video review from a hardcore Android fan is making Android users want to switch After releasing the first iOS 10.2 developer beta on Monday, Apple on Tuesday issued the first public build. The iOS 10.2 public beta is exactly the same as Apple's developer version, but the company always likes to wait a bit before releasing a fresh new build to the public. This way if any serious bugs are identified, they can be addressed before the new iOS beta makes its way to "normal" users. Apple's new iOS 10.2 public beta is available immediately to public beta testers registered on Apple's website . Once registered, you'll find instructions for installing the public beta profile. After that, the iOS 10.2 public beta and any subsequent beta releases will be made available as an over the air (OTA) update. Be sure to back up to iCloud before installing this or any other update, just to be safe.

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/apple-just-released-ios-10-2-public-beta-165825075.html)