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View Full Version : Any ideas on how to full flash blackberries remotely?

08-30-2010, 01:27 PM
I've tried USBoverNetwork and a similar program, but each time I connect to usb it takes it off the mode thats needed because of blackberry desktop manager

I was using VPN,Teamviewer, and USBoverNetwork.

the only way I can think of is use teamviewer and have them buy workshop, its for a store but still theres got to be another way

08-30-2010, 04:40 PM
I've seen somone flash it w/o the use of CDMAWS, i think they had a different set of service book though. I myself use CDMAws because it makes life easier.

08-30-2010, 04:47 PM
Ownmart, perhaps if they had Blackberry desktop manager on their pc maybe that would allow you to connect to device if your BB desktop manager was open as well. Just a thought.

08-30-2010, 07:26 PM
I've tried USBoverNetwork and a similar program, but each time I connect to usb it takes it off the mode thats needed because of blackberry desktop manager

I was using VPN,Teamviewer, and USBoverNetwork.

the only way I can think of is use teamviewer and have them buy workshop, its for a store but still theres got to be another way

UltraVNC - disable remote monitor/keyboard/mouse... then you have control over the PC and they can't watch what you do... but they could have spy software... and you will need to open a port through any firewalls....

Remote Desktop - same cons as above, but faster and now they have to configure a user for you. however, if you remote in and then back out to your machine each time with local resources ( serial ports ) you might be able to use your local CDMAWS on their ports.

TrueCrypt could be used as an encrypted local store for your files, and if you remote in then just copy/paste the password and that MIGHT help with the spyware... ofcourse if they run really good spyware then they can monitor whatever you do anyhow.

Sounds like your main problem though is getting rid of CDMA WS.

As far as loading the OS into the berry, you can do that without BB Desktop, so it might be best to build you own specific loaders for each model you want to run remotely.

Just throwing out some ideas.

08-30-2010, 07:45 PM
Just load the Software from blackberry.com from their pc. Nice ideas guest!