View Full Version : How to make Burger King’s outrageous Mac n’ Cheetos at home

Wireless News
06-30-2016, 05:52 PM
Earlier this week, we reviewed an incredible new food innovation from Burger King: Mac n' Cheetos. Okay, it may not be something worthy of being called an innovation, but we can't deny that globs of deep-fried mac and cheese buried within a Cheeto is a surprisingly tasty treat. If you, like me, are intent on devouring this quintessential American treat, you might want to try to hit up a local Burger King before the promotion ends. Now I know what you may be thinking: what if I don't live near a Burger King? Not to fear, we've got you covered. Recently, we stumbled across a video which gives us the low down on how to make Mac n' Cheetos right in your very own kitchen. And surprisingly enough, the solution is incredibly simple, if not a bit odd. DON'T MISS:- 5 ways the iPhone is-still better than Android after all these years Thanks to Brandi Milloy over at Popsugar, you no longer have to discreetly order the tasty treat that is Mac n' Cheetos in public, nor embark on a walk of shame back to your house or apartment. With this easy recipe, you can now feel embarrassed about your eating choices right in the privacy of your own home! What a fitting tribute to the stereotypical American diet-as we steadily approach the fourth of July holiday. But enough blabber, onto the good stuff. The video below lays out all the steps, but if you wanna cut to the chase, here's what you need to know. Take some refrigerated and already-cooked macaroni and cheese and roll them into the shape of a Cheeto, more or less. Then, freeze it. Step two is where things get interesting. Here's when you need to take a few bags of Cheetos and dump a whole bunch of them into a blender. Keep that machine going into the Cheetos are ground up into a very fine cheesy powder -Take a bowl and fill it with 2 eggs and a 1/2 cup of milk. Stir vigorously! -Take another bowl and fill it with approximately 1 cup of flour. -Remove the mac and cheese from the freezer and start coating each frozen piece with flour. -Following that, dip each flour-coated mac and cheese bite into the egg bowl -Next, remove each bite and apply the Cheetos crumbs for its outer coating -Freeze the Mac n' Cheetos before cooking them for approximately 2-3 minutes in oil pre-heated to 350 degrees -Rejoice and enjoy! You're living out the American dream! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz5pLAbvO8M

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/burger-king-outrageous-mac-n-cheetos-home-213656585.html)