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View Full Version : ROOT Motorola Backflip

08-27-2010, 06:14 PM
Instructions (it's the Droid 2 root method):

- Install adb unless you haven't done so (here) and Motorola drivers unless you haven't done so (here)
- Download attached archive
- Extract to a directory, I used c:Moto_MSM_Root
- Make sure you have USB degugging enabled
- Change connection to PC Mode

- Open command prompt
- cd c:\wherever-your-sdk-tools-folder-is
- adb devices (to verify the connection)
- adb push c:\Moto_MSM_Root\Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
- adb push c:\Moto_MSM_Root\su /sdcard/su
(optional) - adb push c:\Moto_MSM_Root\busybox /sdcard/busybox
- adb push c:\Moto_MSM_Root\rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
(oprional - making it easier later, download in attachment) - adb push c:\Moto_MSM_Root\install-root.sh /data/local/tmp/install-root.sh

It's being reported that instead of "adb shell" you can download "Terminal Emulator" or "ConnectBot" from the Market. People are reporting greater success in using it.

- run "adb shell" OR open the terminal emulator on the phone
- cd data/local/tmp
- chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
(if you have pushed the "install-root.sh") - chmod 0755 install-root.sh
- ./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin

Let the process run until it returns you to c:/Moto_MSM_Root (be patient, but may need to reboot the phone).
If you have used "Terminal Emulator" or "ConnectBot" wait until you see this message:

[+] Forked xxxx childs.

Then press enter and type "exit" to close the terminal (or close it via the menu)

Only if you have used "adb shell" instead of Terminal Emulator or ConnectBot:
- cd c:/wherever-your-sdk-tools-folder-is
- adb kill-server
- adb devices (to verify the connection)
- adb shell

If you have used Terminal Emulator or ConnectBot instead of "adb shell":
- open the Terminal Emulator or ConnectBot on the phone (if you get the message that terminal died, dismiss it and run it again)

If you end up with "#" prompt, do the following. Otherwise reboot the phone and try again "adb shell". If even that doesn't give "#" prompt, go back to step "./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin". There are mixed results atm., but some succeeded. See this ([Only registered and activated users can see links]) post for possible way:

If you have pushed the script "install-root.sh":
- /data/local/tmp/install-root.sh
- exit
- exit


- mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
- cat /sdcard/su > /system/xbin/su
- chown root.root /system/xbin/su
- chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su
- cat /sdcard/Superuser.apk > /system/app/Superuser.apk
- chown root.root /system/app/Superuser.apk
- chmod 644 /system/app/Superuser.apk
(optional) - cat /sdcard/busybox > /system/bin/busybox
(optional) - chown root.root /system/bin/busybox
(optional) - chmod 755 /system/bin/busybox
- mount -o ro,remount /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
- exit
- exit

All credit goes to Sebastian Krahmer at C skills


[HIDE-THANKS]ModMyMobile Forums - Downloads - Root testflash (Backflip, Cliq XT, Cliq, Dext) ([Only registered and activated users can see links])[/HIDE-THANKS]

Custom Recovery:
[HIDE-THANKS][RECOVERY] j_r0dd-mb300-v1.7.4.1 (8.27.10) ([Only registered and activated users can see links])[/HIDE-THANKS]

Note: Delete this file (if exists) if you are about to flash the custom recovery: "/system/recovery.img" - otherwise after you reboot, you'll have stock recovery back.

Attached Files
File Type: rar [HIDE-THANKS]install-root.rar (Attached Files File Type: rar install-root.rar (207 Bytes, 52 views))[/HIDE-THANKS](207 Bytes, 52 views)

(Win7 64) run as administrator just in case)