View Full Version : Crowdfunded desk exercise device Hovr helps techies work out at their desks

Wireless News
04-14-2016, 06:44 PM
http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/mMnlFwzTAQWQBneZyb_rcQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3NfbGVnbztmaT1maWxsO2g9ODY7cT03NTt3PT EzMA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/homerun/digital_trends_973/d63c9255ffb45568cba75a7b93180538 (http://news.yahoo.com/crowdfunded-desk-exercise-device-hovr-220000199.html)It’s been pretty well established that sitting and not moving your body-for long stretches of time is bad for your health. Though companies have created means for minimizing the risk, such as standing desks,-most of us who work and/or play at their computers are still sitting all the time.-Rather than getting computer users to stand up, crowdsourced-desk-based exercise device Hovr lets-you to move your legs and simulate walking while staying seated. Related: Stay awake at your desk with a balance board The Hovr is a pretty simple apparatus, really. It’s-a pair of suspended circular foot pads connected by-a metal bar, which is attached to an adjustable strap. Depending on the model, you can either mount-the device-to-the bottom of your desk, or buy a portable unit attached to a plastic stand. Users place their feet on the-floating pads and move their legs around; you can pretend you’re walking or swing your legs in any direction. Of course, there’s also a companion app for iOS and Android, which-allows you to track your movement and set daily “walking” goals. While it-looks like the kind of snake oil-you’d expect to see-on an infomercial, it turns out there are experts-backing up Hovr’s efficacy: The device has been certified as a form of Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis by the Mayo Clinic , which is basically a fancy way of saying that using it counts as moving.-According to the company, researchers from the University of Illinois-at-Chicago found-that using the Hovr-caused users to burn 17-percent more calories than completely sedentary sitters. Related: This smart air purifier uses plants instead of filters Those endorsements may explain the device’s popularity: The Hovr hit-its $30,000 crowdfunding goal on Indiegogo in-just three-days.-As of Thursday afternoon, the device raised more than $40,000. Its success prompted Hovr to set a campaign stretch goal; if it raises-$60,000 before closing next month, all users will be allowed to choose the-color of their-Hovrs. It comes in Black, Red, Blue, and Pink. Indiegogo customers can pre-order the-mountable version of the Hovr for-$44, and the “portable” stand-based unit costs $79. According to the company, those prices will rise after the campaign. The Hovr is expected to-ship to backers in July.

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/crowdfunded-desk-exercise-device-hovr-220000199.html)