View Full Version : What are the chances Apple’s iPhone 7 is as perfect as this concept?

Wireless News
02-17-2016, 12:44 PM
The concept of virtual reality has been around for what feels like ages, but various limitations have prevented tech companies from delivering the kind of VR experience we’ve imagined over the years. But numerous technological advancements in recent years, including massive improvements when it comes to the-computing power of all sorts of gadgets, have made VR interesting again. Every major tech giant is looking to expand VR and AR research and development, with various products having already hit stores, or getting ready for launch. We have Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Apple, HTC, Samsung and many others working on VR products. Apple is the most secretive company of all, but the iPhone maker has a major interest in

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/chances-apple-iphone-7-perfect-concept-155949213.html)