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08-07-2010, 11:16 PM
I couldnt change the Title of the other thread so i figured I would start another one and generalize the title so if anyone else has any they can add them here.

Making the scrollbars smaller (Vert. and Horz.)

[HIDE-THANKS]This hack allows 4 icons on a row in the start menu instead of 3 and allows more to be viewed on the screen in IE:

• Adjust the following values
cyHScr : Horizontal Scrollbars
Height in pixels (default is 6, set it to 3)
cxVScr : Vertical Scrollbars
Width in pixels (default is 6, set it to 3)
• Soft-reset [/HIDE-THANKS]

08-07-2010, 11:18 PM
Changing System Startup Sound

[HIDE-THANKS] Navigate to: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds
- At the very bottom of the list of entries, there an entry called AllSounds
- Open that up and you'll see a list of mp3 files.
- All you have to do is append your own audio files (mp3, wma, or wav) to the list. Then you have to make sure that you place your new audio clips in the \Windows folder so that they are accessible.
- The next time you go to the sounds events page, the drop down menu will contain the new clips you added.
• If you want to change the system startup sound, go to:
\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemStart \Sound
- Change the hidden wav file, \Windows\Piano.wav to \Windows\MY_WAV_GOES_HERE.wav
- I'd be really cautious about changing the startup wav. You don't want the phone to lock if the audio file doesn't load. I converted my wav to 16bit, stereo, 22khz WAV file. I didn't use mp3 or WMA. This seems to work fine.[/HIDE-THANKS]

08-07-2010, 11:19 PM
Change Start Menu into List Instead of Grid

[HIDE-THANKS]Navigate to:
\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shell\StartM enu
Change the GridView value to 0 if you want list view.
Change it to 1 if you want grid view.[/HIDE-THANKS]

08-08-2010, 01:01 AM
How to change the Splash Screen

The file that we are dealing with is "ms_screen.png". The system uses this file for both the startup and shutdown screens. There are 2 ways to do this mod. The first is to create another image file named ms_screen.png, and move it into your windows directory. Of course it will need to be 320x240, and I would save in PNG format just to be safe. Be sure to make a backup of the original just in case you happen to botch something.
The method that I chose was to create a PNG file, again 320x240, and save it under a different filename. Then, move this file into the Windows directory. Now it's time to edit the registry to point to this new file.

[HIDE-THANKS]The registy keys are located at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Splash Screen
We are interested in the CarrierBitmap, MSBitmap, and MSShutdownBitmap keys. They point to the \Windows\ms_screen.png file by default. Change all 3 to the new filename, and restart the Q. You should see your new startup logo after the Verizon logo and animations, prior to your Home screen coming up.[/HIDE-THANKS]

08-08-2010, 01:14 AM
OOps! I forgot to give you guys the tool that allows you to edit the registry. So here it is!

[HIDE-THANKS][Only registered and activated users can see links][/HIDE-THANKS]

08-08-2010, 01:29 PM
USB Native Tethering, Make DUN Settings Stick

[HIDE-THANKS] To make the DUN setting (##342587) stick, do the following delete the following string value: HKey_Local_Machine\init\"Launch99"
Exit regedit, dial in ##342587. Select OK, then Exit.
Reset your Q.
Upon restart, the Modem Link app will be there indefinitely, lest you do the ##342587 again and disable it.[/HIDE-THANKS]
NOTE: Unless you take certain measures your phone can lock up 80% of the time.