View Full Version : BlackBerry Priv review roundup: Some love it, some hate it, but ‘too little too late’

Wireless News
11-06-2015, 02:00 PM
For years now, BlackBerry has been struggling to maintain some semblance of relevancy in a smartphone market that seemingly passed them by in an instant. BlackBerry, a brand which once ruled the smartphone market with an iron fast, is now almost an afterthought in a market dominated by the iPhone and an assortment of Android devices from a variety of manufacturers. Down but not out, BlackBerry is going for broke in a last-ditch effort to keep its handset business alive. And the product BlackBerry CEO John Chen is betting the farm on is the BlackBerry Priv. Available today in select markets, Chen recently said that BlackBerry-might exit the handset business altogether if the Priv can’t move 5 million units a

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/blackberry-priv-review-roundup-love-hate-too-little-174336569.html)