View Full Version : Why there’s almost no chance Samsung will leave the smartphone market soon

Wireless News
11-03-2015, 03:50 PM
Earlier today, we highlighted some recent analysis by Creative Strategies principal analyst Ben Bajarin, who wrote convincingly about the “innovator’s dilemma” that Samsung is facing when it comes to its smartphone business. I found Bajarin’s overall analysis to be very sharp but I think he makes a huge leap of logic that he doesn’t come close to substantiating when he flatly predicts that “Samsung will be out of the smartphone business within five years.” FROM EARLIER:-What it’s like to be fired from Google Here’s the thing: Samsung’s days as a hugely profitable Android smartphone vendor are definitely over. Android smartphone hardware has become commoditized and there’s no way Samsung will ever again reach the mobile device margins that it had

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/why-almost-no-chance-samsung-leave-smartphone-market-193518037.html)