View Full Version : What it’s like to be fired from Google

Wireless News
11-03-2015, 11:50 AM
Google employees are consistently among the happiest of employees of any major tech company but that still doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for everyone. Some former Googlers recently took to Quora to answer the question of what it’s like to be fired from the tech giant,-or at the very least to leave the company on less-than-friendly terms. DON’T MISS:-Will the Priv be BlackBerry’s last phone? Our first story comes from-Grigory Yakushev, a former Googler who was starting to feel burned out and decided that a switch to another division might reignite-his productivity. He made a critical miscalculation when he decided to transfer to-semantic search, however. “Search is the biggest and most complex product at Google, and semantic search (the

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/fired-google-152502630.html)