View Full Version : Western Digital just bought its way into Apple’s iPhone supply chain for $19B

Wireless News
10-21-2015, 02:40 PM
How important is Apple’s iPhone supply business? Just ask Intel, a company that might have tried to win Apple orders for certain chips for years, and it’s now rumored to have an iPhone 7 chip in the works. Also, check out Samsung’s most recent earnings report that says it’s the semiconductor business, bolstered by Apple, which helped Samsung return to growth, not the mobile division that makes Galaxy phones. Now,-it looks like Western Digital’s massive $19 billion acquisition-of SanDisk might help the storage device maker win some of Apple’s future iPhone orders. DON’T MISS:-I wish the iPhone had copied HTC instead According to reports from late June, SanDisk won 20% of Apple’s iPhone 6 business last year, being the third

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/western-digital-just-bought-way-apple-iphone-supply-181821419.html)