View Full Version : Hackers can invade a PC with a 10-second attack on a Fitbit

Wireless News
10-21-2015, 12:53 PM
Fitbits-are popular devices among people-who like to track their steps and-exercise. But new research reveals that a Fitbit device is unprotected against simple-malware attacks. More importantly, the malicious code that can be sent to a Fitbit device without the user’s knowledge can-then infect a computer used to sync data collected by the wearable. DON’T MISS:-I wish the iPhone had copied HTC instead Fortinet researcher Axelle Apvrille has discovered the hack, The Register reports. The initial attack occurs over Bluetooth and needs just 10 seconds to be delivered. A hacker only has to be in the proximity of the target to send the code and then wait for the target to connect his or her-Fitbit to a PC. After it’s transmitted

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/hackers-invade-pc-10-second-attack-fitbit-162820650.html)