View Full Version : Despite Google’s efforts, Android fragmentation isn’t getting better

Wireless News
09-08-2015, 03:00 PM
So the most recent Android distribution numbers are out and they show that 21% of Android devices are now running on Android 5.0 Lollipop. Time to celebrate, right? Well, not so fast: If we look at numbers from past years about how quickly the latest versions of Android were-adopted, we can see that Android’s fragmentation problem hasn’t really improved at all. FROM EARLIER:-Hilarious GoPro ad parody features world’s most painful stunt fails First, here’s a chart of the numbers as they stand right now. Notice-that ancient versions of Android such as Froyo and Gingerbread are still active despite being released several years ago: As you can see, assorted versions of Lollipop are on 21% devices, while KitKat is on 39%.

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/despite-google-efforts-android-fragmentation-isn-t-getting-183507535.html)