View Full Version : Android Finally Getting Regular Security Updates

Wireless News
08-06-2015, 12:10 PM
http://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/GrmF7dG1J8GtuLtOmsmczw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTg2O3E9NzU7dz0xMzA-/http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/homerun/techmedianetwork.tomguide.com/5f50f1e52bf548b99dfa0701376fc1f8 (http://news.yahoo.com/android-finally-getting-regular-security-152535634.html)If you have a Windows machine, then you know that the second Tuesday of every month, like clockwork, you’ll get a whole host of security patches and thorough explanations about what each one does. Up until now, Android has been a little more lackadaisical, bundling security fixes in with more noticeable UI or app updates. Following a widespread security scare, though, Google will step up its game to provide monthly updates, and it looks like other manufacturers will follow suit.

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/android-finally-getting-regular-security-152535634.html)