View Full Version : Life hack: What’s the best programming language to learn first?

Wireless News
07-21-2015, 12:32 PM
So, you heard that some developers make a lot of money with iPhone and Android apps, and you’re thinking about getting-a mobile development-gig for yourself, but you have no idea how to code. In that case your first step should be choosing a programming language to learn first, and a handy infographic will show you exactly what that language should be. DON’T MISS: Watch this French bulldog sing better than you ever will There are many factors that might affect your choice, and Udacity has listed some of them in a handy graphic. You should consider what kind of job you’d like to have once your coding abilities improve, and how much you’d want to get paid for that. Furthermore,

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/life-hack-best-programming-language-learn-first-155004115.html)