View Full Version : 5 free Android apps that do amazing things Apple’s iPhone can’t

Wireless News
06-04-2015, 12:40 PM
The Android vs. iPhone debate is a tedious one, but don’t expect it to slow down anytime soon. While this endless debate-can often be boring for those of us who aren’t overly enthusiastic users — “fanboys” — there are some aspects of the iOS vs. Android rivalry that are pretty interesting. For example, it’s great to know the advantages and limitations of your platform of choice, and that’s why we’ve put this series of posts together. In this latest entry, we’ve found five terrific free Android apps that feature impressive functionality the iPhone simply can’t match. DON’T MISS:-The only Samsung phone never accused of copying Apple just beat iPhones in a massive study APUS Launcher The creators of this app

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/5-free-android-apps-amazing-things-apple-iphone-161921758.html)