View Full Version : There’s a new BBM for iOS feature that will actually make iMessage users jealous

Wireless News
05-21-2015, 12:10 PM
True story: a little over a year-ago, a friend of mine asked me to help him pick out an Android phone because he was tired of his iPhone. For a few hours spread out over the course of a week, we chatted off and on about what he didn’t like about the iPhone and what he was looking for in a new phone. We finally landed on the HTC One, and he went out and bought one the day his contract was up. But then just three days-later, he switched back to his iPhone. “I can’t live life as a green bubble,” he told me. There is indeed something addictive about those little blue bubbles. But truth be told, iMessage

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/bbm-ios-feature-actually-imessage-users-jealous-155238692.html)