View Full Version : I’m still very tempted to switch to iOS – here’s what Google could do to pull me back

Wireless News
05-15-2015, 11:10 AM
Earlier this month, I wrote about my extreme frustration with the-Android upgrade process. Essentially, I do not understand why it should take more than six months (and counting!) to get the latest Android software out to a flagship phone that’s been released within the past two years. When my two-year carrier contract expires in September, I will be buying a new phone off-contract and the iPhone 6s is going to look very tempting. However, there is something Google can do to pull me back from the brink: Release a 2015 version of the Nexus 5. RELATED:-Android fans might finally get the Nexus 5 successor they’ve dreamt of this year The reason I want a 2015 Nexus 5 is easy to

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/m-still-very-tempted-switch-ios-google-could-145051965.html)