View Full Version : 5 great Google tricks you’ll wonder how you ever lived without

Wireless News
05-11-2015, 11:30 AM
If there is one single app that we would miss most if it ever vanished, there is no question that it would be the Google app on either Android or the iPhone. Beyond being a portal into the amazing world of Google Now on both platforms, it provides fast and easy access to a Google search box, which you can either type in to perform a search or use voice dictation. But as many people know, Google search is about much more than just hunting down answers to your questions or finding the right webpage to explain how something works. Google can perform all sorts of functions for you — in fact, Google can probably replace more apps and services

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/5-great-google-tricks-ll-wonder-ever-lived-151049263.html)