View Full Version : Beautiful ‘iPhone 7

Wireless News
05-07-2015, 01:30 PM
We’re officially in the doldrums of the iPhone leaks-cycle, which means that the best we can do is imagine what the device will look like through assorted concepts. Via Nowhereelse.fr, designer Martin Hajek has posted some gorgeous new iPhone 7 concept renders over at German website Computerbild.de that completely re-imagine the iPhone’s iconic home button. FROM EARLIER:-Want to dump your iPhone and switch to Android? Here’s everything you need to know As you’ll note in the picture above, the proposed iPhone’s display actually encompasses the entire home button, which opens up more room for screen space. Interestingly, it looks like the home button is still an indented button like the one on the iPhone 6 and not just an on-screen

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/beautiful-iphone-7-concept-completely-imagines-iconic-feature-171307315.html)