View Full Version : I’ve been an Android user for 5 years – here’s why I’m very tempted to switch to iOS

Wireless News
05-05-2015, 02:20 PM
Over the next couple of months, both Apple and Google will unveil major new software updates to their mobile platforms. iPhone users will be undoubtedly excited about all the new features and fixes that Apple is planning to launch on iOS 9 and with good reason — they know that as soon as iOS 9 comes out in the fall, they’ll be able to download and install it right onto their devices. We Android fans, meanwhile, won’t be so lucky.- DON’T MISS:-Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger reenact all of his best movies in 6 minutes You see, when Android 6.0 comes out in the fall, that’s just the beginning for us. We will then have to wait some more before carriers and

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/ve-android-user-5-years-why-m-very-175543819.html)