View Full Version : Why one iPhone fan won’t switch to the Galaxy S6 even though he thinks it’s a better

Wireless News
04-09-2015, 11:00 AM
It’s easy to say that Apple fans suffer from blind loyalty, especially when they admit to sticking with Apple even though they think another product is actually better in many critical ways. Nonetheless,-Mark Spoonauer of Tom’s Hardware makes some very interesting points in an essay about why he won’t dump the iPhone 6 for the Galaxy S6 even though objectively he thinks the S6 is a better piece of hardware. It basically boils down to this: Apple’s app ecosystem simply can’t be beat by any Android phone. RELATED:-Why a longtime iPhone user ‘completely regrets’ switching to Android “During my review of the Galaxy S6 Edge, I came across all sorts of awesome apps that are also on the iPhone, including

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/why-one-iphone-fan-won-t-switch-galaxy-144605660.html)