View Full Version : Samsung says Galaxy S6 fanboy-for-pay story is ‘totally groundless and bogus’

Wireless News
04-06-2015, 09:10 AM
A report on Friday claimed-that Samsung paid 500 people in China to pretend they were-fans during a press conference and show excitement about the Galaxy S6 launch in the region. However, Samsung decided to set the record straight on this alleged fanboy-for-pay operation that has-received plenty of attention from the press. DON’T MISS:-The one app every single Android user needs to install immediately According to Want China Times, which cites-Chinese publication Paper, recruiters acting on behalf of Samsung paid nearly half of the 1,000 people gathered at the event to be there. The Galaxy device maker allegedly wanted only people under 30 years of age, who would look like students, and paid each person 30 yuan ($4.80) to stay-more than

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/samsung-says-galaxy-s6-fanboy-pay-story-totally-125242101.html)