View Full Version : How many Android users will convert to iPhone because of the Apple Watch?

Wireless News
03-27-2015, 10:10 PM
As applied to Apple, the ‘halo effect’ refers to the dynamic wherein the popularity and success of one product incentivizes -consumers to purchase other Apple products they might not otherwise have given a second look. The first notable example of this dynamic was seen when the iPod became a household name back in the mid-2000s. Building on this, the unparalleled success of the iPhone and iPad further served to familiarize the masses with the Apple brand, thereby having a discernible impact on Mac sales overall. Looking ahead, with the Apple Watch launch on the horizon, Apple’s most impactful halo effect yet may be just around the corner. DON’T MISS:-10 things the Galaxy S6 can do that the iPhone 6 can’t

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/many-android-users-convert-iphone-because-apple-watch-014523205.html)