View Full Version : The one real reason to hate the Retina MacBook’s USB Type-C port right now

Wireless News
03-17-2015, 09:40 PM
Apple unveiled its most daring-MacBook yet last week, a 12-inch Retina device that’s slimmer and lighter than any other model, and which only ships with a single multi-purpose port that’s supposed to handle all your needs. The USB Type-C port, believed to be mostly Apple’s invention, recharges batteries and offers fast data speeds at the same time, though you’ll have to shell out additional cash for special adapters. Having to pay up an extra $79 for ccessories shouldn’t really be a reason to hate-Apple’s-USB-C port, but-there is one valid cause of concern. FROM EARLIER: One reason even hardcore Android fans might have to praise Apple Because the MacBook only has one single port,-The Verge-notes-the device might become an easier target

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/one-real-reason-hate-retina-macbook-usb-type-013044958.html)