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View Full Version : after Rich's Flash mifi 2200 can you still tether to cradlepoint router?

01-11-2015, 05:20 PM
Rich, i had asked you this question before i paid you to send me a flashed mifi for my buddy at xmas.My question was can i still hook this vis tether to a cradlpoint router(mbr95) as i need the etherent to run a magicjack phone line, you said it might slow it down but it should work. Back before all the throttling and other issues when this was simple you just tethered your mifi 2200 to you cradlepoint router and presto....now the light on the roter that suppose to stay green flashes green then goes to orange the two will not connect.......any help would be appreciated and my speeds back before(throttel days) were around 2mbs now its 712kbs on toast.net pretty slow not sure it will even handle the magicjack.......
please help

rich hathaway
01-11-2015, 06:03 PM
you sent me this same msg in a pm which i read first so i answered you there

01-12-2015, 10:10 AM
rich, there is no reply from you in my pm, thats why i came here, thanks if you can help, mack

rich hathaway
01-12-2015, 11:02 AM
nothing has changed as far as using a router with any devices, when they killed the mifis last year it only hanged the way data was authenticated not the way the device can be used, as far as the device being slow the 2200 is VERY susceptible to being falsely put into download mode and if yours is that is why it is slow, blinking orange or amber light means dl or error, i have made several posts before warning about the 2200 and the use of usb cables with your pc and how your device will falsely interpret a low voltage change as a cmd to go into recovery or dl mode.
I even send this out with the paper i send with every unit warning not use data cables with your pc and this device but to use "charge only" cables instead to avoid this problem, this is a big flaw in the 2200 os that was apperantly never noticed or at least never corrected in any update, probly because this mode is necessary for recovery and there may not be any way to update or correct it as it is part of the devices bios or basic in and out system, if your device is stuck in dl mode i can recover it but you will have to send it to me. you can read it with cdmaws and it will tell you the devices mode.

01-12-2015, 01:53 PM
Rich, the only data cable that was hooked to it was the cable that went to the router...guess that was my fault! Its never been plugged into anything else.....what are your suggestions? I need a hotspot device that has or that there is a way to have an ethernet connection and NOT have this problem...guess thats the way i should have asked the question in the first place...when youu told me that i could do what i did you did say it may slow it down....guess i didnt realize this was what you meant could or would happen.The light color i was telling you about is the color on the cradlepoint router it was how we use to know when the mifi was down if the router showed red/orange meant mifi was down....the lights on the (mifi) are green the only thing i saw that seemed odd was the blinking light was blinking a lot even when the computer was not on.
Now then i guess back to my question do you have or can you fix me a hotspot that can have an ethernet plug or that can be tethered and not be affected?
Thanks and sorry i didnt understand..

rich hathaway
01-12-2015, 02:55 PM
here is the thing i dont fool with cradlepoint routers so i am uneducated as to what works with them and what doesnt, also i thought u meant the light on the mifi was orange(that is error/download) green is good, blinking green means there is a connection present, please try your mifi on a pc directly to ck the speed and run at least 5 speedtest to get a good average, but if you were able to use the 2200 and cradlepoint together before then you can still use them now, nothing has changed that would stop that type of tether that i know of.