View Full Version : Facebook’s Messenger App Has More Spyware Than Products Designed Specifically For Sur

Wireless News
09-11-2014, 04:50 PM
Facebook was the recipient of sharp criticism from Android users last month when the company released its new mandatory Messenger app, which collected an unprecedented amount of private information about its users — now it seems the iOS version for iPhone users could give it a run for its data. “Messenger appears to have more spyware type code in it than I’ve seen in products intended specifically for enterprise surveillance,”-security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski tweeted after digging through the app’s iOS binary earlier this week. According to an email from Zdziarski to Motherboard, Facebook Messenger for iPhone logs almost all activity a user executes on the app, down to every individual tap, screen turn and time used.-(RELATED:-Facebook’s New Messenger App Can Invade Your Privacy, But It’s Android’s Fault) “[Facebook is] using some private APIs I didn’t even know were available inside the sandbox to be able to pull out your WiFi SSID (which could be used to snoop on which WiFi networks you’re connected to) and are even tapping the process list for various information on the device,” Zdziarski said in the report.

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/facebook-messenger-app-more-spyware-products-designed-specifically-203205983.html)