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View Full Version : How to find MEID of CDM 8945 VW flip phone?

08-22-2014, 01:12 AM
I have an old Verizon UTStarcom (Audiovox) CDM 8945 VW "V-cast" phone that I got back around 2007-2008-ish and I'm trying to find what the MEID. I've googled around quite a bit and found dialer codes for getting into debug mode and other some such, but I've yet to find one that actually tells me what the MEID (or ESN) is.

I still have the original box, though it's at another location (I'm slowly moving things to another house little by little and it's in a big box over there where I'm not at right now) so that wont be an option for about a month.

Is there any sort of code I can enter? Thanks for any help.

Also, I don't see the number under (or on) the battery either.

rich hathaway
08-22-2014, 01:48 AM
look in the settings menu in the phone info part,or use one many free tools to read it such as qpst,but really it should be under the battery on a sticker,that phone may only have a 11 digit esn and no meid.
why dont you take a pic of the sticker and post it here.

08-22-2014, 10:55 AM
Thanks. I've already scoured Menu -> SETTINGS & TOOLS. I've looked under System -> Device Info and anywhere else.

I do however see an 11 digit number under the batter (although there is no label stating ESN or anything else for it, just the number byitself): 00414469439. Do ESN number correlate directly to MEID numbers? Thanks.

08-22-2014, 12:29 PM
Is it possible to lookup the MEID from the ESN number?

08-22-2014, 03:34 PM
I think that device is too old and it has only esn not mied.