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View Full Version : Are you using the new cricket wireless?

06-19-2014, 08:07 PM
Are you using or selling the new cricket wireless? Do you like the coverage, plans, phones? What don't you like?

06-27-2014, 10:57 PM
;^) Long time no see, Whitey.

I recently switched to the new Cricket Wireless, because my new Moto G uses GSM instead of CDMA. The phone is amazing compared to my antique Palm Treo 755p, but the new sevice is terrible.

:^/ Under CDMA Cricket, I used to be able to pay my bill every month just by replying to the reminder text message. Under AT&T/GSM Cricket, that option has been removed. Instead, the user is left with four choices:

1) Make payment via the My Cricket application. -Except that this has unacceptable Terms and Conditions, so that's out.

2) Use the Quick Pay option on the Cricket Wireless website ([Only registered and activated users can see links]). The trouble there is that you must subscribe to a set of Terms and Conditions which will not be provied to be read. Insead, the link for Tems and Conditions just reloads the QuickPay page you're already on.

3) Create an account and make payment there. The trouble is that you're required to agree with a set of Terms and Conditions ([Only registered and activated users can see links]) which return an error page when you try to open them.

4) Travel to a Cricket store and pay in cash. The staff will not be sympathetic; they don't create the policies.

:^/ This is two months in a row. The first time, they explained about creating an account and the My Cricket app. This time, I've learned more about those. Here's a link to their Terms and Conditions for their My Cricket app ([Only registered and activated users can see links]): Especially of interest are paragraph 1.2, which says AT&T/GSM Cricket gets to collect and sell your personal data to anyone they deem "applicable," and paragraph six, in which AT&T/GSM Cricket disclaim any warranty that, well, anything. They warn that their app may nuke your cellophone and leave it a brick, and that they won't replace it.

:^/ In an interesting coincidence, just two days ago, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that police cannot search the cellophones of arrested persons without getting a warrant first ([Only registered and activated users can see links]).

:^/ Soooo, AT&T/GSM Cricket's ambition is, literally, beyond unconstitutional. It numbs the mind. I'm giving serious thought to switching providers. Anyone around who still provides the quality of service we're used to from Old Cricket?