View Full Version : This infographic shows why bezel-free smartphones aren’t as crazy as you think

Wireless News
02-11-2014, 04:00 PM
A new infographic posted on Twitter by @somospostpc shows how much screen you’re getting out of current smartphones, with the LG G2 leading the pack. The device, currently LG’s the flagship handset, has a display that takes up 75.7% of the handsets front side, a percentage the company heavily promoted when unveiling the handset. Interestingly, four of the top 10 devices in the infographic belong to LG, including the G2, the G Pro, the Nexus 5, and the Optimus G. In addition to Android smarpthones, there are also two Windows Phone handsets in the top 10, while iOS devices such as the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5 didn’t even make the top 20. At the same time, the infographic

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/infographic-shows-why-bezel-free-smartphones-aren-t-194506017.html)