View Full Version : Developers still think Windows 8 has potential—if Microsoft steps up

11-05-2013, 09:51 PM
It’s safe to say Windows 8 hasn’t been the smashing success Microsoft hoped. After more than a year on the market and one major update, Windows 8 is just flirting with a 10 percent market share (http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9243769/Windows_8_uptake_slows_ditch_XP_movement_decelerat es). -That’s higher than Vista or OS X, but dwarfed by Windows 7 and even (still!) Windows XP.
For developers, though, that might be a good thing. At the App Developers Conference (http://www.adconf.com/) Tuesday, a group of developers discussed why they’re funding apps solely for the under-represented Windows 8 platform.
Claiming new territoryIn large part it comes down to being first. “It’s a buy-low situation. It’s a good time to get in near the ground floor,” said Neil Sorens of Zen Studios.
Kenny Rosenblatt of Arkadium agreed. “iOS and Android, those markets are so competitive, and here’s a new option. It’s easier to make your game get discovered.”
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