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View Full Version : Best Buy rumored to sell Google Glass next year

Wireless News
08-22-2013, 11:10 PM
It looks as though Google may be pushing its Glass headset out to traditional retail outlets. Rackspace startup liaison officer and noted Glass enthusiast Robert Scoble wrote on his Google+ account this week that he’s been hearing rumors that “Google is renting 6,000 square feet inside everylending deviceBest Buylending devicenext lending deviceyear” so it can showcase and sell Google Glass to consumers. Having dedicated spaces within Best Buy stores has become very common lately as Apple, Samsung and Microsoft all have their own “stores-within-stores” at several Best Buy locations. Given where Scoble is best-known for showing off his Google Glass headset, however, a better fit for the device might be Bed, Bath & Beyond.

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/best-buy-rumored-sell-google-glass-next-030539983.html)