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View Full Version : Contract flashed phone to mifi

07-26-2013, 07:55 PM
So ive got this vzw contract company phone from a local company thats going to be closing next year sometime, I flashed it to my vzw 2200 and seems to work the same,, what im wondering is, will a contract phones throttle data as the pp phones do, and will the data keys change as well... I feel like there should be a benifit other than free service till they close next year?

07-27-2013, 04:29 PM
as of right now i think they are only changing keys are the basic phone plans, because those are the only ones with unlimited data

07-27-2013, 07:58 PM
ok good to know thanks

07-29-2013, 08:56 AM
So the smarphone plan on VZW ppaid gives 4 gigs for about 70 bux but only certain phones are sold or allowed. Im guessing phones can be flashed to that system. Pretty good deal if its possible. beats paying over 100 bux for a contract smartphone and only for 2 gigs!

08-05-2013, 05:26 PM
So the smarphone plan on VZW ppaid gives 4 gigs for about 70 bux but only certain phones are sold or allowed. Im guessing phones can be flashed to that system. Pretty good deal if its possible. beats paying over 100 bux for a contract smartphone and only for 2 gigs! Im wondering about this now ive got this contract phone and flashed it to mifis easly but now the data went out on the mifi,, so tried writeing the same items to a different on and no data on it either,, but the phone still has data