View Full Version : Samsung, Sony and others said to have no interest in Facebook Home

Wireless News
06-24-2013, 03:20 PM
Facebook once dreamt of making its Home software for Android available on a wide variety of smartphones out of the box, but that dream is becoming increasingly improbable with each passing day. The first handset to launch with Facebook Home pre-installed was HTC’s First and that phone was a complete flop, as BGR exclusively reported. News followed that Samsung rejected Facebook’s request to launch a new phone with Home preloaded, and now a new report from Digitimes suggests several other big smartphone makers including Sony, Huawei, ZTE and Lenovo are not interested in launching new phones that offer Facebook’s Android experience out of the box. Facebook has a lot of work to do to tweak Home and make it less

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/samsung-sony-others-said-no-interest-facebook-home-191046814.html)