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View Full Version : Wearable computing pioneer: Google Glass will be as revolutionary as the automobile

Wireless News
06-05-2013, 11:40 AM
Do you believe that Google Glass is an awkward, silly looking gadget that will be relegated to a niche market of techie dorks? If so then Georgia Tech professor.Thad Starner thinks you’re missing out on the next technological revolution that will change the world in much the same way the automobile did. In an interview with Technology Review, Starner hit back at the notion that Glass is too dorky for mainstream audiences and said eyeglasses, automobiles and cell phones were all seen as ridiculous when they were first introduced. When the interviewer questioned whether Google Glass really had the same revolutionary potential as the car, Starner doubled down. “I believe if we reduce the time between intention and action, it

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/wearable-computing-pioneer-google-glass-revolutionary-automobile-152556576.html)