View Full Version : Why I don’t want iOS, Android or any other OS to ‘win’

Wireless News
05-24-2013, 02:20 PM
One of the most annoying traits of many technology fans is their conviction that their favorite technology platform should by all rights crush rival operating systems and become the dominant OS in the smartphone or tablet market. In their narrow-minded little worlds, all rival technologies should go the way of webOS so that everyone can bask in might of their favorite operating system, thus proving that their personal preference for a particular type of technology was right all along. The big reason I find this mentality borderline repulsive is because most of us are old enough to remember the last time an operating system definitively won the market place and effectively set up a monopoly for itself that it’s taken

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/why-don-t-want-ios-android-other-os-181002635.html)