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View Full Version : CDMA Tool not working

02-07-2013, 01:16 AM
I have tried all the different ways of programing. I have a sprint iphone 4 on 6.1. i used the usb workaround and finally got it to connect. i got the iphone to make a call, but it constantly says not activated. *228 nor *22890 does not work, it just call ends. what is going on.

i tried install carrier bundle first, then prl then sid and a bunch of other mixmatch of those.

rich hathaway
02-07-2013, 01:47 AM
well i must ask what tool you used,since there are several "rip offs" now that dont work.

02-07-2013, 03:02 AM
I'm assuming that it is DFS AKA CDMA Tool. For that reason I'm closing the thread for being posted in the wrong forum, this is after all the iphonecdmatool support forum as noted it is for the support of iphonecdmatool.

If I am incorrect you can PM me, or one of the other staff to reopen it. If I am correct you can start a new thread in the cdma flashing software forum.