View Full Version : Judge Koh Not Changing Apple/Samsung Court Dates

09-07-2012, 01:50 PM
U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh has denied Apple's request to move a scheduled December 6 hearing up to a date earlier in the year. The December 6 date, set by Koh, will be when Apple argues why the eight Samsung devices found guilty of infringing on its patents should be permanently banned from sale in the U.S. Judge Koh said Apple's arguments have not convinced her to change the hearing date. Judge Koh is also leaving a scheduled September 20 hearing stand unchanged, which is when Samsung will argue to resume sales of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet. The device was banned in June, when Apple was awarded a preliminary injunction. Apple said that its request is "more urgent" than Samsung's. Apple has yet to formally respond to the latest ruling.

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