just to add to this for those of you who sell,

we need to be careful and make sure that the names you post are the correct ones,and here is why i say this.

we were getting ripped off every day,we got it under control now,but here is the scenario.

a payment comes in from john smith,a day later paypal freezes the funds because john reported it as fraud,when what really happened was a lowlife hacked into johns paypal account or stole his credit card or bought his cc info from idoits on the web and illegally used it making john and me a victim.
now i cant very well post in this forum that john is a scam when it was the lowlife no name idiot that did it.

i could fill this thread up with scammers from the tool but will take alot of work to get names correct and i am very lazy lol

so please post with care.