Siri Wireless is a new mvno running via mvne Telspace. They have no real outstanding plans except full postpaid roaming coverage included and a $24.99 /250 minute/3000 nights and weekend minute talk plan. They have Blackberry, Android, iphone and Winmo support options at a pricy 25-30 bucks a month . Supposedly can be used for any carrier including their own.What kills me about them is their stupid $35 activation fee. I think Telspace is charging them up the ass. Supposedly they have a user base of 100k including a Sprint and Att gsm mvno plan . The Sprint plans are unlimited of course and the Att one is paygo.

Air Voice Express is going to no longer be a Verizon mvno by year's end according to numerous posts on Hofo. They haven't updated their rates in four years but they still hold their own.

Mingo Wireless is going to become a Sprint mvno also. Supposedly had trouble with mvne Telspace and Verizon not allowing them latitude on their plans.

I hate Sprint mvnos because of the lack of byod. That and the lack of roaming coverage makes Sprint mvnos suck as a class for prepaid carriers.

I think Siri Wireless would do a lot better if they lowered their Verizon based plan, phone and activation prices. $35 activation is ridiculous. Especially if they are charging dealers to do it. Stupid.