Verified Fraud

SCUMBAG = Manzoor Neelab

This scumbag bought an Evo 4G from my website for 168.00 flashed to Boost Mobile on 11-3-12. We put the phone on his existing account and overnighted it to him on 11-5-12 and sent him tracking via email.

Once he received tracking from us showing that the item was in transit he Paypal disputed us item not as described and indicated he wanted his money back.

We called Paypal and showed them that this scumbag hadn't even received the item yet and they notated that in notes of the case.

On 11-6-12 the scumbag received the phone signature confirmation.

We called the scumbag customer but he never answered the phone. We emailed the scumbag customer but he never answered the phone.

On 11-9-12 we responded to the Paypal claim indicating we would refund the scumbag his money once he returned our product. At that point we took our lending devicelending devicelending devicelending devicelending device off his Boost account.

On 11-21-12 we recived a package signature confirmation from the scumbag customer which contained an old Motorola droid.

On 11-21-12 we contacted Paypal to notify them that the scumbag customer did not send back the item that we had shipped him.

On 11-21-12 Paypal closed the case in favor of the scumbag customer because he submitted the tracking number indicating that the item was received by us.

On 11-26-12 We contacted our attorney who then contacted the Connecticut State Attorneys office and filed a formal complaint against the scumbag customer.

On 1-17-13 We were contacted by the Connecticut State Attorneys office that they were picking up the case and had charged Manzoor Neelab with pettie Theft and Fraud which constituted two 1st class Misdemeanors in their State.

On 4-9-13 Manzoor Neelab plead Nolie Contest in court to the charges and although adjudication was with held because it was his first offense he was sentenced to Restitution of $216.00, 6 months supervised probation and 40 hours community service.

We have not received any compensation yet but in these types of cases we usually dont until a few months after probation has been completed.

To date we have over 700 scumbag customers who have ripped us off - WE DOCUMENT EVERY ONE OF THEM!

Three years ago our attorney convinced us to put him on yearly retainer to prosecute these scumbags and during the last 3 years we have had 112 scumbag customers who ripped us off arrested and many of them punished much more severely. In this case the dollar amount was just under what his state considers a Felony but we have had many scumbag "Customers" arrested for Felony theft.

I wish more companies would do this but I know it is very time consuming. My wife spends a considerable amount of time every week doing all the paperwork for our attorney but to us its the principle of the matter.